Bonjour Ma Cher Famille!
I love everything about being a missionary and being here at the MTC. I honetely can't belive that I have only been here for 4 days. Time in the MTC is completely different from the real world. A day feels like a week and the weeks go by like days. I feel as if I have already been here in the MTC for months! I love it though! Our days are completely busy from the moment we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. It is amazing!
I am the only sister missionary who is going to the Paris France Mission. My companion is Soeur Strunk. She has been called to serve in the Toulouse France Mission. She is wonderful. I know that Heavenly Father wanted us to be companions. She is from Moscow, Idaho, and she has 2 brothers (one younger and one older). She also left a boyfriend at home so I guess you can say that he definitely understand each other. Haha She is a very fun person to be with. We work hard together and I know that we will do incredible things together. I love Sister Strunk!
My district is amazing!!! There are 9 elders and then the 2 of us sisters. One of the elders is from Whales and another is from Finland. They will be serving in Switzerland. The rest of the elders are from Utah and they will be serving in Paris with me. We all get allong perfectly. We are contantly learning and growing together in both the gospel and french. Sometimes Soeur Strunk and I have to remind ourselves that these boys are still 19 years old. They can be very silly and immature at times, but they are never disrespectful of rude, so it's okay. I love our district!!!!
There is only one french speaking zone in the MTC. In our zone there are six sisters (my roommates). Of the four others (other than my companion and I) 2 sisters are going to be going to the Toulouse Mission, one is going to the Tahiti Mission, and another is going to Canada. Those four sisters have been in the MTC for about 6 weeks alreay, so everyone was very excited to welcome my Soeur Strunk and I, as the only new sisters. (They said that all of the elders were especially excited to welcome us. Haha) There are about 4 or 5 other districts in our zone. I have heard so many wonderful things about our zone and I have alrealy recognized them to be true. Our zone is extremely unified. We eat together every meal and we have all become good friends. Another great thing about my district and zone is that we try to only speak french. It is incredible!!!
I love the french language! Before my mission I prayed so much that I could recieve divine help learning french and I have already felt the spirit helping me in my efforts. I am no where close to being fluent yet, but I believe that I have recieved the gift of tongues. I already think in french and I can communicate easily with those in my district and zone. (Everyone in my district already studied french, so we didn't have to start with all the basics.) I love french, speaking french, bearing testimony in french, praying in french....and everything else.)
As I said before, our time at the MTC is very scheduled and we don't have a lot of time to write emails. We actually only get 30 minutes to both read and write emails, so I was thinking it would probably be better if instead of emailing me that you use On that website you can write a letter to me and they print it out and give it to me that very same day. That way I can hear from you anytime and then I will have more time to write back to you. That is what most missionaries do here.
I hope all is well at home! I love you all of much! I love being here and being a missionary. I know that I am doing the will of the Lord and that I am being blessed for doing so. My testimony of the restored gospel is growing every second that I am here, as well as my love for the work, and the people of France.
Please keep my in your prayers as I am doing something that is far beyond my own power. I need the Lord! I need the Spirit to help me in all I do. I feel so blessed to be a part of this work.
Well, from now on my Preperation day will be Friday so I hope to hear from you before then, I love you all!!!
Soeur McClaine